That's what I love about Sunday
That’s what I love about Sunday, walk along with the waves, every step in the soft sand, and we listen to our favourite band and then go home to our boat team, have some peanut butter and jelly and some rice and beans, go to Dorling’s bakery and pick our favourite thing.
The Jag Team, comprised of Cody Glasbrenner, Hannah Dudley, Haley Nedderman, and Liz Lynch, picked up the jag trail right from the start and never lost it. The team followed fresh tracks for some distance and then at mile seven and a half, encountered a grisly scene. They had come upon a highly disturbed site with red stained sand and a trail leading into the vegetation.
Yes, it was a turtle predated by a jaguar. “It’s a surreal feeling to know that a jaguar was here eating this turtle” said Liz.

The team excited trudged on hoping to see the jag which had preyed upon the unsuspecting green turtle. Then around mile 14 while Cody was on the phone to base, Liz saw what she described as a black catlike animal scale down a palm tree and scurry into the forest. The animal, most likely a tayra (Eira barbara), had been seen a few other times around this area.

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