We "caught" another tapir!
Jag cams this week set out in quite a downpour. The rains subsided as Cody, Haley, and Tara entered the forest. Once at the site the team went to work checking the cams photos, the first had malfunctioned due to moisture in the camera.

But it was the other that would reveal some amazing photos of a Baird’s tapir (Tapirus bairdii). The tapir, a herbivore – or so we thought, who’s a close relative to the horse and rhinoceros, was lured in by some tasty chicken soup as it appeared to lap it up in the pictures – but didn’t seem to like the taste!

Something else was noticed in the pictures as well…taking a close look at the odd-toed ungulate, it seemed to have an unmistakable notch in one of its ears. It could well be that this was the same Baird’s tapir that was camera trapped at the end of Phase 14.

Due to the success of our last contest (please see entry on December 7 2008) once again, please cast your vote on a $50 dollar bill and send it to:
GVI Costa Rica
Apdo Postal 78-7209
Cariari de Pococi
70205 Costa Rica
The winners will be announced in this blog, thank you!

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