Waterfall Escapades: Survival of the Fittest
intrepid volunteers set out to discover a waterfall within walking distance
late on Sunday morning. Losing each other in their desires for morning coffee,
the two groups had very different experiences. The braver of the groups went
directly to the waterfall by following a stream for about one hour and enjoyed
the scenic surrounds of the Manuel Antonio rainforest. They descended down
rocks using a rope and reached the base of the waterfall. Here they enjoyed the
cooling shade of the trees and the entertaining wildlife. They explored the
surrounds and fell into an unintentional swim.
The other group, perhaps
rendered paranoid by their caffeine consumption barely trusted the trail, let
alone the first rusty bridge they encountered. After a mere few minutes in the
heart of nature and surrounded by threatening monkeys, this group declared the
waterfall an unachievable goal and muttering ‘I don’t like nature’ turned back
to the safety of civilization. Perhaps most embarrassing was the declared
solution of covering their heads with towels to protect against monkey attack.
Both groups finished the day relaxing by local pools and feeling pleased with
their respective escapades.
Quepos Volunteer - Caitlin

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