Inter school race in El Cocal
On the 22nd March the local schools joined together for a race! The competition was held on the beach in El Cocal, lasted from 9am to 1pm and boys and gilrs from 5 schools competed. To make sure it was fair the older boys had to run longer distances.
Roger the sports teacher set up the race on the beach using his motorbike to measure the distance, polls were set up to mark the end of the race.Parents from all the schools came to watch and tents were set up for shade and to drink water.The day started with the kids greeting one another and applauding each school.
The whole of El Cocal was interested in what was going on, the kids not participating came to watch even during their breaks, even the kindergarten kids turned up to cheer everyone on!
It was the first time many of the volunteers had seen the great differences that exist between the school in El Cocal and the schools in Quepos. The kids from the local schools wore sports kits and running shoes. The kids from El Cocal wore their own clothes and ran bare foot.
Wilton, a boy from the El Cocal school, won his race. It was very special as he won it with no shoes. The principal of El Cocal was so proud that one of his students won. He is still talking about it!
Everyone really enjoyed was a day full of fun and energy!
Daniel - Quepos Sports Volunteer

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