What we're listening to this week...
Sir David Attenborough appeals on behalf of Fauna & Flora International to help the plight of the Indonesian Rainforests, the home of the orang utan
Find out how you can help protect the last remaining areas on Earth to play home to the orang utan,with these remarkable GVI projects.
Work with the habitat and local community to sustain the orangs in Borneo or join the project in Sumatra, and help investigate which special behaviours and ecological conditions are necessary to maintain health in wild orang utans. It's the only ongoing, long-term research project studying orang utan health anywhere in the world.
David Attenborough's Life Stories
Series of talks by Sir David Attenborough on the natural histories of creatures and plants from around the world
Regional Reading
Sex In The Caribbean: Environmental Change Drives Evolutionary Change, Eventually
Maldives president holds underwater cabinet meeting:
Cabinet sign SOS memo to raise awareness of threat of rising sea levels to their country

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