Paws & Effect
Sarah ‘CSI’ Durose lead the first jaguar walk of phase, and expectations were high that a large number of predated turtles would be found. The survey aims to document jaguar kills of turtles on Tortuguero beach and involves an intense day of walking (15 miles on sand) with each team member carrying plenty of water and kit.
Accompanying Sarah on Sunday were volunteers Helen, Tucker and Dave, plus intern Jo. All dead turtles found (27 this survey) are documented, no matter how bad they smell, so it can be tough work on a hot day, and a strong stomach is sometimes called for. Tucker said
Despite my ridiculous appearance (see photo) I had an amazing time. I learned a lot about the predation of sea turtles and jaguar’s pattern of attack. We were also able to watch hatchlings emerge and I learned about their behaviour too. Overall it was JAGTASTIC!

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