There´s no I in Team
It’s fair to say that the rainforest climate of heavy rain and hot sun takes its toll on our wooden structures and some were starting to look a little tired as a result.
As luck would have it, this month we were blessed with the presence of some very handy volunteers (professional engineers no less) who were itching to get their hands dirty and help us give base a much needed spruce up.
Leading the task force was ‘Commander Michelle’ – a woman renowned for her ability to solve even the most challenging conundrum. A plan of action was drawn up and everyone split into teams, each tackling different areas around base
Commander Michelle putting her engineering experience to good use
Activities ranged from fixing the washing lines, building steps, digging a new compost pit and replacing the old mosquito netting in the kitchen – a life saver for when the rainy season arrives!
Kim and Rachel making the kitchen mosquito-proof
The troops set to work with unparalleled enthusiasm and dedication, the step building team even working into the night to finish the job.
Night-time step building
Thanks to the hard work and skill of those involved, base is now a safer and more comfortable place to live. Cheers guys!
- Sarah, Field Staff

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