Cheeky Monkeys!
Central American Spider Monkey
After months of planning, researching and
trialing, last month saw the exciting official launch of our new monkey
project. The aim of the project is to assess the population density of the
endangered Central American Spider Monkey here in our patch of Tortuguero
National Park.
The surveys cover trails through the forest and transects along the canals
collecting data on the number of monkeys encountered, the age and sex of said
monkeys, and various other technical data.
Armed with our highly technical angle measuring device, and binoculars a plenty
for checking out monkey genitalia (in order to determine the sex), we headed
out on North Trail for our first survey. Slowly we walked along the trail, eyes
and ears peeled for signs of monkey activity. We were hopeful of seeing monkeys
as on nearly every walk through the forest they are encountered, but alas, the
end of the survey came and not a single monkey had we seen.
Rachel and Michelle looking for monkeys
We decided to wander on a little further to
see if there was anything interesting around in the forest, and lo and behold,
a mere 200m from the end of our survey, there appeared a group of spider monkeys.
It was as if they knew and came to taunt us. They don’t call them cheeky
monkeys for nothing!
- Rachel, 6
month Intern

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