My thoughts on volunteering in El Cocal..
I´m halfway through my time here and as the
weeks pass, it just gets harder and harder to think of saying goodbye to all
the children and people I´ve met. There
have been so many improvements in just the six weeks I´ve been here and I want
to see the whole program as it continues to grow. When I arrived, I got put on Kinder and first
grade in the school. I was warned that
the kinder teacher was sometimes unreceptive and seemed unappreciative of our
work here. Last week, she excitedly
showed me a photo of her from last year´s kinder graduation and even her lesson
plan for the next week. I can see her
enthusiasm with the kids and that she definitely appreciates the help in the
classroom, considering at times there can be 20 kids in the small room. I was told that in the beginning of our
program the first grade teacher did not want help from any of the
volunteers. A couple weeks ago she asked
if another volunteer and I would help her learn English while we worked on
Spanish. She loves having a second
person in the class, as well, to help keep the children focused and help the
ones who need special attention. She
requests my help in the front of the classroom to help teach a lesson, and
always thanks me as I spend a lot of time on a struggling kid.
While the teachers appreciation
of my effort does make me want to do more, it´s the children´s excitement that
really makes me want to come every day.
The reaction from the kinder kids when I enter the classroom in the
morning and help them with their games and work, and their upset expressions as
they ask why I didn´t come to school that day.
The first graders´ excited “Buenos Dias”s as I come in their class and
the immediate request for my help and approval of their work. While it gets VERY tiring, I love hearing
everyone in the class calling for me to make sure their doing their work
correctly and asking for me to help them when they don´t know the correct
answer. I love the excitement they get
when I let them know I can help them after class in the center and how much
interest all the children show in learning English. It´s always hard getting angry at the
children or correcting them from doing something they shouldn´t be doing, but
it´s the hugs from these children each day that make me know they appreciate my
interest in everything they do.
Quepos Volunteer-Kristin

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