Friday, May 18, 2012

Kinder- English immersion

Kinder in the community centre is going great! Everyday the kids come in remembering more English. Today is the last day of the second week doing all English classes at first it was really hard they didn’t seem to respond but after only 4 days we could tell it was going to work. I had a parent come in and tell me she didn’t know why more parents didn’t make their children come everyday because she could tell it was working, her grandson was going home speaking random English words. It was funny to me because the little boy never wants to repeat anything I say in English but goes home saying stuff he had heard in class. That’s when you know its starting to really work.

 During the two hour time period we practice numbers, colors and shapes, this week I added 5 animals to start learning. We also have been trying to learn the colors and shapes in a new way by making patterns, it seems to be a good idea. They first do their worksheets then its play or art time. The children love to paint and use glue anything that can get messy is their favorite. Having kinder in the back of the center allows us to have space to run around and be silly without disturbing the older children.

Next week is my last week here, over the last six weeks I have grown attached to every kid I meet. My kinder babies are all amazing intelligent children who are so outgoing and eager to learn.  Every day I wake up knowing it may not go as planned but just being there and seeing how happy the children are makes it all worth it. I am so glad to have gotten a chance to be part of organizing kinder at the centre and hopefully setting an  example for whoever takes my spot in the program.  I will never forget the time I have spent here and definitely recommend to anyone that wants to meet gorgeous children and see a different but actually very pretty community come to El Cocal and work with GVI.
Tai MacPherson- Community Program Volunteer
