An El Cocal Inspired Poem....
I’m Emily, I have been volunteering here for 8 weeks now, I have mainly been working with the Kinder kids. It has been an interesting and rewarding experience. The kids are so cute and can be so polite and sweet. But this isn’t always the case, we have had a few tantrums, tears, a few fights and squabbles. But its all worth it when you see them smiling, learning their numbers and words, writing new letters and hearing their adorable laughter!
Here is a small poem inspired by the kids who attend our Kinder in the El Cocal Community Centre...
Iguanas, there are lots of iguanas around the centre, they tend to distract the kids, especially Geiner, but he is distracted by everything!
Nutricíon, the kids love the bananas we give them at break time, thought Yani gets very messy eating them..
Disciplina- they require a lot of discipline, it can be hard at times, because with too much discipline they can shut down, like Angeli, it’s a delicate balance.
Espaňol- their Spanish can be challenging a times to understand because they are so little- but it is very cute, especially Andi, who tries very hard to repeat the words but they all come out sounding the same.
Razón- the reason I am here- to give the kids a head start with their education & to build a relationship with some very endearing kids.
Emily, Volunteer Quepos Community Program

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