Despedidas and bienvenidas
Over the past week or so we have had what feels like a large change over in our volunteer group. 5 of our dazzling volunteers all finished in the same week, Miriam, Meghan, Gemma, Emily and Hannah.
As always it was sad to see a group of hard working individuals go but this group was particularity hard working, great with the kids and built great relationships within the community.
Gemma, worked a lot with our English classes in the school, as well as our kindergarten group, the kinder kids were always so excited to see her in the morning, shouting HAM! (the way the prounced Gem).
Emily, one of our more long term volunteers, left us after 10 weeks on the project. She worked a lot with the kinder and was a fantastic help in the community centre. I think Sebastian, one of our kinders is particularly going to miss her.
Miriam, helped a lot in the grade 3 class in the school. The kids adored her, although she spoke a weird mixture of Portuguese and Spanish the kids loved having her in the class room. When she left the kids started chanting “We want Miriam, We want Miriam!”
Meghan, a very kind girl with a very positive attitude, was always eager to do as much as she could with the kids and helped a lot with grade 1. Little Yonder still asks for her everyday “Cuando regresa Meghan???”
Last but not least, Hannah, an all around all star- loved by the kids, the teachers the vols and the staff, we will miss her dearly. She helped the kids in grade progress soo much in her 8 weeks here.
Although it was sad to see these girls go, we welcomed five new equally enthusiastic and energetic volunteers this weekend! Let’s see how they make their mark....
Quepos Field Staff

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