Cleaning the Beaches of Tortuguero
The end of 2011 saw the citizens of Jalova participating in a beach clean where we collected and removed washed-up garbage along the Tortuguero Beach. On that occasion we cleaned the beach to assist the Ocean Conservancy in their annual data collection on the state of coastal areas. The beach is always receiving new rubbish and so a beach clean is always a great thing to do in the National Park, even if there is less data collection going on!

After gathering all the rubbish into bags, a huge team effort was put into dragging our haul a mile down the beach towards the river mouth where we could then transport it on our boat to the town of Tortuguero where it is sorted into recyclable categories. Such exertion strained at the muscles! In the end, we formed a massive pile with bags upon bags of rubbish; of objects that no longer pose as environmental hazards to the wildlife of our beach. Job well done.
-Yannie, GVI intern

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