Student "invasion" from San Jose
How quickly things change.
One moment the staff team was working along each in their little work space in an otherwise deserted Jalova camp (the volunteers had just departed to San Jose that morning) when suddenly we were hastingly handing out drinks to a thirsty group of about 35 school kids from San Jose all squeezed into the eating area of the kitchen.
Luckily Danny was on base for a routine visit while touring his region, so we had a native speaker who had no trouble with an improvised educational talk to the guys. The mid day heat was sizzling, but the students and their teachers were very interested to hear about the kind of work that is done at Jalova and to find out some important details about the turtles in the national park.
Leaving with a final reminder to buy reusable drinking bottles instead of the in Costa Rica (unfortunately) much loved small plastic soft drink bottles, the group stormed back down the forest trail and we were back to our normal work.

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