Saturday, June 25, 2011

Camera Trapping Project - Phase 112

A very successful time was had for the second phase of 2011. While we had a few issues with some of the cameras from time to time we were still able to capture a number of photos of the individual jaguars found within Tortuguero National Park. We used a total number of 5 locations for camera set ups, two of which were on dead turtles. Trying to maximize the time available during phase, the cameras were set up for a total of 157 trapping days. From this we recorded 116 photos with jaguars, of which 98 could be used for identification purposes. Two videos were also recorded with jaguar individuals. Along with these amazing results 10 other species were recorded, including the elusive Northern Raccoon (Procyon lotor).

However, the most exciting outcome for this phase is the development of the knowledge of a new unidentified jaguar. Aptly named Dave after the three returning 6 month scholars, 3D- Dave W, Dave H, and Hannah (!). So while Dave had its first recording this phase 3 of the other 4 jaguars that have been identified in the Park have be recaptured on cameras this phase.

It’s exciting times for the jaguar camera trapping project at Jalova, because along with the 5 jaguar individuals we know of there has also been confirmed sightings of a new baby jaguar cub present in the Park. This cub has been yet to be formally identified but we look forward to catching it on our camera’s in the future.

Thanks to the volunteers of phase 112, without their help we wouldn’t have been able to set the cameras up where we did and record the number of photos and species that we did.
