Incidentals Project - Phase 112
The top species by class were as follows;
Amphibians – Marine Toad
Birds – Great Kiskadee
Mammals – Mantled Howler Monkey
Reptiles – Four-lined Whiptail
(Top amphibian - the marine toad)
Top species per zone were;
Base – Great Kiskadee
Beach – Striped Basilisk
Coconut Plantation – Montezuma Oropendola
Dense Forest – Mantled Howler
Estuary – Little Blue Heron
Flyover - Brown Pelican.
The Mantled Howlers are a top species due to their vocalization, they have an extremely loud which can be heard over a great distance. The Montezuma Oropendolas nest in a colony, all building their nests in one tree. They have built such a colony just outside of base meaning they are seen frequently. It will be interesting to see if they disappear overnight in a similar fashion to last year.
Phase 112 has been amazing for sightings of Jaguars. They are notoriously illusive but we have had a total of 10 sightings, and seen 12 Jags. Obviously we have encountered the same Jags multiple times as we do not have 12 individuals in the area. Last phase we saw 0 Jags and while based at Caño Palma, for 5 years, there were 10 Jags seen. The question remains whether this trend will continue or we have just been lucky.
We have also had several new species which have not been recorded on the Incidentals project before this Phase. These are; Baird’s Tapir, White Tailed Deer, Long-billed Starthroat, Yellow-bellied Elaenia and Melodious Blackbird.

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