End of Phase 112
Friday 10th June saw the end of the second ten week phase of 2011. The staff at Jalova has had to bid a fond farewell to the fifteen volunteers that have been our workforce for the past few weeks. This phase we have set a new record for an unprecedented number of jaguar sightings and also managed to walk on more nights than last year’s leatherback turtle season. A series of blogs are to follow in the coming fortnight as we round up the information that we have collected since the beginning of April.
Although the phase has ended our work continues. The green turtle season is just starting and we look forward to welcoming 2 week volunteers to our base as we carry on patrols between phases. Our Leatherback nests have just begun to hatch and so we have a flurry of activity on the beach to keep us occupied.

Stay tuned to this blog to find out some interesting factoids regarding all of the hard work of the volunteers of phase 112!

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