Thursday, December 1, 2011

Quepos Community Program launched on GVI Charitable Trust

We are very excited to have launched our Community Program in El Cocal Quepos onto the GVI Charitable Trust!

follow this link for further details:

GVI has been working in El Cocal for 8 months now and the program is evolving and going from strength to strength.

We are currently raising funds to improve the facilities at the school and community center allowing GVI to further develop the diversity and quality of educational programs we are offering the community.

The public school in El Cocal has recently agreed to dedicate a room in the school to the GVI volunteers! We are so excited because this means that we can work more closely with the teachers and students. We are working with the teachers to deliver a good standard of English lessons, literacy and numeracy reinforcement for the kids that are struggling and developing an environmental education program.

The room is currently being renovated and with the funds we raise we aim to make this space a truly educational, interactive and engaging environment for the kids and volunteers.We would like to invest in materials such as Spanish and English books for different reading levels, posters, educational games, arts and crafts supplies etc…

If you would like to participate and raise funds for our program please visit our Charitable Trust project page (see link above).

Any amount is appreciated and will be put to good use so Thank YOU all in advance for your support!

The Community Program Team in Quepos
