End of Phase 114 - End of Phases
Unfortunately torrential rain has hit camp since all of the volunteers left on Friday, ushering us into the office to get our phase-end work done. However the sun somehow managed to come out for the last few days of phase and allow us to tidy up. For most the main benefit of that sun will have been having some dry clothes to travel back to San Jose in.
The 6 month volunteers and Noel left on Wednesday and they were all to be quickly followed by the rest of the gang on Friday. This has rounded up the end of phase 114 which has once again been terrific, allowing us to make good moves forward in our research of the National Park. Now just the staff is left on base for one more week as we attempt to wrap everything up. Over the coming weeks we will be posting results blogs from our phase report which is being collated as I type by the wonderful staff of the Jalova project. It should surely whet your appetite if you are coming out in the New Year and will also serve as a reminder if you were one of the lucky ones here since October.
This marks the end of the year for us here, but also the end of the current format of volunteering with GVI in Jalova. From 2012 people will be able to volunteer for 4, 8 and 12 weeks instead of the current 5 or 10. This allows us to maintain a constant presence in the park and mean we can add to our turtle monitoring teams from what we had in 2010 and 2011. All of this makes for great news for our partners as we will enhance our datasets from extra surveys.
Thanks to everyone who has made phase 114 and 2011 so great here in Tortuguero National Park. Without all of you, we wouldn’t have been able to achieve any of what we have.
-Rich, Base Manager

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