Christmas Party and Graduation!
Well Friday was finally the last day of school in El Cocal!
The kids are excited the teachers are tired...but in true Tico style this means it’s time for a party.
What a party it was…the school courtyard was packed with kids playing games, singing and dancing. The teachers organized goody bags for all the kids and a local Latin drumming band preformed nonstop for 2 hours! The morning started off relatively calmly but with a procession of candy, ice-cream , cake and extremely loud music the kids energy levels skyrocketed.
That same afternoon at 4pm was a more serious occasion, 8 students from the 6th grade graduated! The ceremony was held in the church where we run our community center. The graduates and their families were all dressed up for the occasion. It was so nice to see the parents so happy and proud of their children. We were particularly touched to see Moises graduate, he is the son the lovely Nicaraguan lady, Eneida who makes us delicious food everyday for lunch. She has been looking forward to this day for weeks and it was so lovely so her all dressed up and proud.
They also held a ceremony for the pre-school kids graduating to the first grade. They were all dressed up wearing the school sash with either beaming smiles or terrified looks on their little faces, obviously not used to being up on stage in front of a big crowd. These are a lot of the same children we work with at the Community Center, it will be really interesting to see and support their transition into ‘big’ school over the coming year.
Well all in all a great last day at the community before the Christmas break… happy parents, students and teachers and the Quepos field staff feeling privileged to be a part of such an important day!

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