Extracts from the Interns
Quotes from our Interns for the long-term internship Oct 2009 - Mar 2010.
The interns: Molly Clifford, Russell Pepper, Helen Wain, Sam Hopes & Leonie Wilson.
I thought that the internship was amazing – the best thing I’ve done in my life so far!
I have found, as have many volunteers before me, that once you come here you don’t want to leave. I’ll be staying with GVI Costa Rica for another phase working on studies with Jaguars, Marine Turtles, Aquatic Birds, and local Mammals, to name a few.
I thought it was really good that it would provide me with skills that I could apply to a career in conservation further down the line.
GVI has changed the path I’m going to take in my life & I’m grateful for that, & the experience I’ve had here.
In the past 6 months I was able to expand my knowledge in biological conservation a lot. Now I understand how such a sensitive and complex ecosystem like the rainforest works and how it gets influenced by so many different factors. I also had my first experiences how to work with many different people and how to motivate them as a patrol leader.
I had an absolutely amazing time here and I feel immensely grateful for the opportunity at the new base.
I learned how to collect good data and how much thought and time goes into even the simplest studies. One of the most valuable skills I gained was how to lead a scientific survey. I had never thought of myself as much of a leader but I found that the internship training prepared me to run a survey easily. Most importantly, I cemented my belief that I wanted to work in conservation.
I felt very useful, I liked the independence and the expectations of you
I think my confidence has improved greatly since being here
For me, this goes at the top of my CV because it shows project management, leadership skills, organisational skills, situational difficulties, ability to live in close living arrangements and ability to uphold the values & ‘face’ of the company. Any employer holds these skills in high regard & therefore the skills will be very useful for me when I apply for jobs. They have already proved to be useful, and I have got far more interest from prospective employers than I otherwise would have.
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