Friday, March 5, 2010

Cow Cam!

Unusual developments right on our doorstep presented an intriguing camera trapping opportunity this week. Coconut plantation workers came to base to tell us that there was a dead calf killed by a jaguar in the forest just behind base.

Rich, Jo and Lydia followed them through the mud and standing water to investigate the remains, which were spread over two sites and didn’t look too pretty.

The kill was probably two days old but jag cam guru Sarah still considered it worth putting a
couple of cameras up in hopes that the jaguar might return.

The following morning when the cameras were checked, Sarah was excited
to see that 12 shots had been taken by the one nearest to the carcase, and
three by the other.

However, being film cameras and not digital we face
another agonising wait for the results...


Dom G said...

I didn't realise it was an active cattle ranch. I hope the jags aren't enticed to feed too close for comfort!

Franklin Miller said...

Your blog is soooo great!

I have a question, my daughter is going to arrive at your research center in July. We would like to stay in contact with her. What are our best options, cell phone, 3G, WIFI, smart phone, computer???

Franklin Miller, M.S.
Kathleen Smith-Miller M.S.

GVI Costa Rica said...

Thanks Franklin & Kathleen!

We have some cell phone reception on the beach in front of base so that would be the easiest/most frequent.

There is an internet cafe & pay phones in our local town of Tortuguero, which volunteers get into every one to two weeks.

And, of course, we try to keep you updated on the blog too!

Hope that helps.