Update from 6 Month Interns on Placement at Drake Bay
So we have been here for approximately one and a half months now which seems to have flown by! We have completed our mind maps of where each trail and trees are within the forest on order to lead the isv volunteers around when they arrive in a few days! During our time here there will be three different groups of volunteers with each group staying for two weeks. (photo: sunset in front of the community)
Our job will be to teach the volunteers everything we have learnt during our time in Costa Rica and about the projects undertaken here so they can help in collecting data when we are leading surveys out on the field! The volunteers have three or four full days a week working in the forest and the remaining time is spent doing either data entry, group discussions or other learning opportunities. The remaining weeks are definitely going to be the busiest! In terms of wildlife it is always bust in the Osa Peninsula and you usually don't even need to go on walks to see this as it is all happening right in your back garden! One of our visitors includes a huge boa constrictor (at least 2 meters long) which decided to surprise our family's group of chickens one night and now we have three less chickens running around the garden! Another visitor we have which isn't so dangerous is our friend the grey-necked woodrail. It randomly appears and walks around with the gang of hens and then as soon as it realizes someone is staring at it, it runs away and disappears!
And last but not least is everyone’s 'favorite' bird Zazu-the red-lored parrot. He thinks he is a dog and part of the family we live with however he does not realize most people don't like him or don't want him around as he has a habit of biting volunteers and flying at their heads!
Anyway that is all I have to report for now! I'm looking forward to the coming eventful weeks!
(Rainforest Conservation interns at the Osa Peninsular)

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