Too close for comfort?
I’m feeling incredibly lucky. My first jag sighting was from the boat returning from Tort. We got pretty close, and managed to get some pretty special photos.
I decided to stay on base for the long weekend, which turned out to have been a good decision.
Sunday nest check, fresh jag prints on the beach. Then we glance to our left at mile 15, and about 10 metres away, a jag with its rear to us. Then a second one appears from the vegetation. Too stunned to get to my camera tucked away in my backpack. We were soooo close to it.
Sunday night walk, we were sat at mile 16 taking our break when a jag approaches and we could see its silhouette all but 5 metres away. We backed up slowly and it ran off into the night.
Four jags and counting, how much closer will they dare to get?!
Jaguar count so far these last 5 weeks: 7
On the boat x 1
During mammal survey x2
During nest check (Rich) x2
During 1st Night Walk x1
During 2nd Night Walk x1
In the excitement of the moment, photos have not been possible. Therefore these are an artist’s representation of the events:

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