I can’t believe it, but as of today I have been in Costa Rica for two weeks. Time is flying by! Adapting to life in Costa Rica has been an interesting and exciting adventure so far. From learning to wash my clothes in a sink, travelling by bus and by ferry, finding my way around with limited spanish language skills, to adapting to sleeping in a bunk bed - life is very different, in a good way. You learn to live with what you need, and really appreciate what you have.
Typically we get to El Cocal around 8:00 in the morning and we work until about 1:00. Then we have the day to plan lessons, explore the area, or just relax on the beach! (sounds tough, right?)
The first day back to school after break was on Wednesday this week. All of the volunteers stood outside the school gate in the morning like proud parents “oooing and ahhing” about how cute the kids looked in their uniforms. I’ll be teaching English with one of the other volunteers, and we were given permission to use an empty room that was being used for storage to teach small groups of students. With the help of some of the other volunteers we got it all cleaned up and ready to use for English lessons on Monday!
Wish us luck...
Katie Roy- 10 week volunteer

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