Hello everyone! my experience so far...
I have now been in Costa Rica for two weeks and I am starting to adjust to the country, the people, and the program. This week, Katie, Sebastian, and I had our last Spanish lesson and I think I speak for all of us when I say that we learned a lot in the 20 hours that we had. We got to go to different places and learn how to make gallo pinto (a Costa Rican delicacy) which I think is a very funny and good way to learn different words and also a little bit about the country. So it was a lot of mixed feelings when we had our last lesson. It feels like we have known the teachers so much longer than just a week. I think I might have some more lessons sometime...
School started on Wednesday and I was a little bit nervous about meeting all the kids and the teachers, mostly because of the Spanish. I am helping out in second and fourth grade and everyone is really sweet. And even though I just understand a word here and there of what they are saying it still feels like I am helping them out. Today I got to work one on one with a little boy named Derek. He has some trouble with math and spelling but we worked our way through it and I was really proud of both of us afterwards. The kids are at very different levels even though they’re in the same grade. Some of them are really good at spelling and reading and some of them are having a very very hard time. They are all very cute and give you a lot of hugs and smiling faces. “Hola amiga” and a big smile makes me happy every day!
In our spare time we hang out on the beach in Manuel Antonio. It is the most beautiful beach I have ever seen! A couple of days ago I took a walk along the beach in the sunset. I LOVED IT! I was dancing in the waves and running around in the sand, and I saw a wedding!! It was so beautiful, so magical. I want a wedding like that...
We are having a lot of fun here, so don’t you worry Mom:) Sebastian, from Holland, has taught us funny facts about dolphins and other weird things. I am trying to teach Chris and David a little bit of Swedish, which is very, very, very amusing! They know how to say “Hello, my name is” and “Time for dinner" and "Time to go to sleep”. By the end of my time here I am hoping that they will be able to speak flawlessly.
Besos y abrazos
Beatriz- Quepos Volunteer

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