A tribute to the Slender Anole
We are lucky enough to see many
weird and wonderful creatures here in Jalova. From the Northern Tamandua to the
Eyelash Palm-pitviper; from the Agami Heron to the Red-eyed Tree Frog;
everybody is enthusiastic and excited about almost everything we see, and it is
usually these things that make it onto the blog.
Sadly there is one little lizard
who is not always greeted with excitement or enthusiasm, but it is one thing
that visitors here are almost 100% guaranteed to see. Its name is said repeatedly
on surveys with a resigned sigh, and the person recording in the book wearily
writes its name again and again. I speak of the Slender Anole, and I am writing
this blog to show them some appreciation.
A Slender Anole eating some kind of insect, pretty cool I'd say.
It may not be the most exciting
animal here, or even the most exciting anole, but at least they are consistent.
Many a BAS (Biological Assessment Survey) would be almost empty were it not for
the presence of these little guys. Let
us not be deceived into thinking that consistency is their only good quality
though. They have excellent jumping skills, bouncing from leaf to leaf like tiny
ninjas, and it’s always an exciting guessing game whether the movement of a
leaf is a cricket hopping or a Slender Anole.
They are usually pale beige or
grey in colour with dark and light banded tails, not quite so bright or flashy
as some of our other species here but there is not always a need to be gaudy. They
have a little white dewlap (a flap of skin on the throat used for displays
during mating and territorial disputes), which may not be as colourful as some
of the other Anoles but at least they are generally quite willing to show it
A slender anole showing off its dewlap.
So here’s to you Slender Anole,
thanks for filling up our BAS surveys and for being just plain cute. Long may
your plentiful status continue!
Rachel, Field Staff

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