When two tribes go to war…
Red Team vs Green Team
It’s fairly safe to say that for the majority of the time, the inhabitants of
Jalova base live in relative harmony but on one Friday afternoon war was
The cause of this conflict was the Jalova Olympics and the instigator, an evil genius
named Chris. He divided the happy peoples of Jalova into opposing tribes. I was
lucky enough to find myself on the side of the brains behind the operation, the
red team. Chris directed us to take down
the green team by any means necessary.
Evil genius, Chris, measuring the coconut throw
So we put on our war paint, limbered up and
prepared ourselves for the fight.
For hours we battled, throwing coconuts and wellies to prove our strength, racing
along the beach to show our speed and throwing hoops over bottles to display
our (lack of) agility and precision.
Wheel-barrow and three-legged racing
All the while we heckled and harassed the
green team hoping to break them but they gave as good as they got. They stood
strong and never gave in.
By the end however, it was clear who the winners were. With a leader like
Chris, of course the red team won which just goes to show, good does not always
triumph over evil. Mwah hahaha!
- Sarah, Field Staff

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