A Talamancan what-now?
Today as I was walking out of my dorm and spotted
a very colourful little lizard that looked a bit like a sleeker and prettier
version of a whiptail skink which we see around camp at just about any given
day of any week.
This one however, was completely new, to me at least. It had beautiful markings
ranging from bright red to orange to yellow along the length of its body and
green hues on its throat and almost fluorescent blue spots along the sides.
A real gem
I quickly ran back into my room to retrieve
my camera and he was still there when I returned so I was able to take a few
pictures before he ran off and dropped between the floor boards.
I then ran over to the office to try and
I.D. him and showed the photos to some of the staff. I saw their reactions and
knew it must be something rare.
We all got out the amphibians and reptiles of Costa Rica books but were having
a difficult time identifying it based on my pictures in comparison to the
pictures and descriptions in our reference books.
James asked me excitedly, ‘Is it still
there?’ I told him it had scrambled under the dorm rooms so I decided to try
and crawl under the dorm house to see if maybe he was still there. After a bit
of searching I did manage to spot him and with more than a little effort I was
able to grab hold of him. I pulled myself out of under the dorms with him in
hand and brought him back to the office. Even with the specimen it was
difficult to positively I.D. him so we decided to hold onto him for a short
while until the other staff members could return from surveys to have a look.
Once we were able to convene the jury
properly and put our heads together we decided it was a mature Talamancan Galliwasp
which nobody on base had seen since the opening of Jalova in 2010!
A welcome return to Jalova base
- Chris, 2 month volunteer

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