David´s Adventure thus far
I have had the pleasure of volunteering on the GVI Quepos project for two weeks now. This has consisted of teaching English at the
local schools we help out and helping out at the community centre GVI
set up in one of the under-privileged communities, El Cocal. It is very
rewarding to see the students engaging with the lessons we have planned
and deriving benefit from them. The community centre has become a focal
point in El Cocal, as we have been able to provide a safe and
educational environment for kids of all ages to come and play games,
arts and crafts and sports. There is never a dull moment there and there
have been smiles aplenty from both the kids and volunteers. We have
provided some of the local El Cocal adults with free English lessons
too. This has a really positive financial knock-on effect for the
community as one of their main incomes is tourism.
We have ample opportunities to practice and improve our Spanish and the teachers GVI use are fantastic.
in all, it has been a very rewarding and personally satisfying
investment of my time and energy. If you are the type of person who
believes you get out of life what you put in then I would strongly
recommend that you dive in with both feet and sign up for a GVI project.
Come with an open mind and heart and a willingness to learn and you
will thoroughly enjoy it.

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