The smiling faces of El Cocal!
The kids from our Kinder in El Cocal really have a way of making us smile and spending time with them is so rewarding. Here are some of our most regular regulars....
One of the happiest and most energetic kids that comes to our kinder. He also goes by the name of Ben 10 as he is normally clad in Ben 10 clothes, backpack, hat etc. Since joining our kinder, Geiner can now count to 5, write the vowels and is working on his shapes and colors.
Or a least that what we think her name is…. She is very cute but does not talk very much. Every time we ask her name we get a mumbled annneediii or something along those lines. And if you ask her more than twice she gives up and wont tell you, so we have settled on Andi. She loves coloring and is eager to learn.
One of the happiest and most well behaved kids the come to visit us in the centre. He has a wild imagination and loves playing with Lego. He is one of those kids that is more likely to play with the box that the toy came in rather than the toy itself. Every now and then he will only communicate through mime, we are not really sure why he does this but it’s pretty funny.
Volunteer Field Staff- Quepos Community Program

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