Settling into Phase 113
Training week has now been completed and all of the tests have been passed. Everyone is settling into their survey roles and also living in close quarters with 18 other volunteers. This week has seen us recommence our action on the canals and in the forest whilst also continuing the investigations on the beach. Whilst some surveys have been returning and volunteer have been seeing animals which will unfortunately become run of the mill, we have already seen some of the more rare species.
Indeed our intern Jonathan Moore is running the risk of becoming known as a mammalian specialist. In the space of 24 hours he lead 2 walks that saw more mammals than many people would hope to see in an entire phase. Despite the fact that none of these were the elusive jaguar we were all very impressed with the sightings. Catch up with what happened on a future blog entry.
Everyone also enjoys turtle night walks. We have been lucky to see the green season really start to pick up in recent times and so many people have been seeing enough turtles to easily hit double figures and also working a fair few too. The look on volunteers faces when returning from a night walk and having counted eggs is priceless.
The phase is shaping up to be a good one. With volunteers from no less than 8 countries (including our first Finn [hello Jussi]) we have a pleasant mix of backgrounds, knowledge and interests. Hopefully our luck will continue after such great first surveys.

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