Late comer to Turtle Beach Lodge
Helen continued her run of good luck on Saturday when she was on surely the best Morning Census of phase, with Russell (and Jo leading). With NRC from the night before and no hatchling watches, the team were on for a pretty quiet survey and saw nothing of interest up to mile 2.
Then,just before Turtle Beach Lodge they saw a turtle track and a small group of tourists sat on a log nearby. The team walked up to the track.
I was just thinking ‘hmm, I don’t see a down-track.’, when I saw a spray of sand flicked up from the vegetation and realised the turtle was still on the beach.
There were three tourists sitting quietly nearby who said they had been there for ten minutes or so. I could hardly believe our luck as I went up to see what the turtle was doing - she appeared to be disguising.
This is a very lucky sighting, especially on Playa Norte, and so late in the season. The team read the turtle’s tags and Russell took some great photos - see right - and video footage.

It was amazing to get a good look at a turtle in daylight, to observe the way they move and what they’re doing when ususally all you get is a grey shape and an eye full of sand. Shame we couldn’t work her too, but that would have been a little too lucky.

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