Monday, July 20, 2009

A Greener Way to Bird

The birders have been on the go this week, spotting five of the six kingfisher species on Caño Palma. Volunteers were in awe with the amount of green ibis’s on the canal. Caño Harold clocked up the highest number of records this week , with a total of 28 individuals and 11 species spotted on Tuesday.

Birds seen include the rarely spotted rufescent tiger-heron, a northern jacana, and great green macaws! The macaws aren’t a study species for our Aquatic Bird Study, but we collect data as part of Proyecto de Investigación y Conservación de la Lapa Verde, a cross-border study between Nicaragua and Costa Rica. Interestingly, the great green macaws have been highly evident this phase – one lucky group of volunteers and staff even spotted 11 individuals fly over close to base, and 11 is a lot when you consider that estimates suggest there may be as few as 28 pairs left in the country!