Walk of life
Normally known for death, those Expedition Members on jaguar walk (as part of the Monitoring of Jaguar Predation on Marine Turtles research) stumbled across more than their fair share of life, with four nesting green turtles (Chelonia mydas) sighted, still in their nests at the leisurely hour of 6:30am.
The marvel of the greens crater-sized body pit can really only be appreciated whilst attempting to weave ones way around them, one nest being so large that a turtle disguising was almost fallen upon. Such a surreal experience seeing a turtle in her nest, completely innocent to the peril that awaits from afar. She was a lucky one, 19 jaguar-predated green turtles were recorded on the beach during the survey.
Also, not quite a jaguar but a red brocket deer (Mazama americana) was seen heading from the beach to the cover of the bordering forest as the research team approached.

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