Volunteer Voice - Making the most of each moment
Written by: Andrea Rohrer - Quepos Community Project Volunteer
Between teaching, painting, playing and laying on the beach...
I can not believe, that I've already been here for four weeks. Time passed so fast and I met so many amazing people! After an intensive week of Spanish lessons I started to teach adults in English. One of my students comes every day to learn as fast as possible even if it's hard for her. Besides the adults I also work with a 14 year old boy who has difficulties in learning. He is a really nice guy and appreciates our help!
I can not believe, that I've already been here for four weeks. Time passed so fast and I met so many amazing people! After an intensive week of Spanish lessons I started to teach adults in English. One of my students comes every day to learn as fast as possible even if it's hard for her. Besides the adults I also work with a 14 year old boy who has difficulties in learning. He is a really nice guy and appreciates our help!
Last week we repainted the outside wall of our community center.
It was hard work but at the same time a lot of fun. One of the
volunteers came up with the idea that we could repaint one of the rooms
and paint a tree, a beach and the ocean. The room looks awesome and the
kids love it.
Next to these activities we play with the kids, we help them with
homework, we read or we just have a little chat with them. All of them
are really lovely and I enjoy every minute I can spent with them!
school we go home to prepare the lessons for the next day or we go to
the beach to relax and watch the beautiful sunset. On the weekends we do
excursions, go out to meet new people, lay around on the beach and plan
our new week.
I love the evenings when everybody is in the house to talk about the day, other things, or when we are just having fun. I'm really happy that I chose this program and I look forward to the next few weeks!

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