The best thing I've seen in Jalova is...
We’ve said goodbye to another fabulous
group of volunteers, and this month before they left, we asked to write about the best things
they’ve seen here in Jalova.
The best thing I’ve seen in Jalova is…
‘Being charged by a wild, vicious Agouti!’
–Ian, 6 month intern
The 'wild vicious Agouti in question
‘Seeing the kitchen covered in army ants
eating every other insect in sight’ –Jamison, 2 month volunteer
‘A Green parrot snake feeding on a Mexican
tree frog which was at least five times the size of its mouth!’ –Rob, 6 month
‘The smiles of every living being around
me’ – Munib, 3 month volunteer
‘Two Jaguars playing…’ (A photo of, sadly
not in the flesh!)- Sharon, 1 month volunteer
The two jaguars playing, caught by one of our camera traps.
‘The smiles on the staff members’ faces
when I can I.D. a species’ – Joel, 2 month volunteer
‘My last night walk into the swamp to see
tons of frogs!’ –Michelle, 1 month volunteer
‘All the stars and the full moon while
sitting on the beach at night’- Elsa, 3 month volunteer
‘The three shooting stars I saw on the
first night here OR the Northern Tamandua falling from a tree!’ –Heather 6
month intern
‘A White-nosed Coati climbing down a tree
next to me’ Sorrel, 6 month intern

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