News flash from El Cocal....
As we crossed the little estuary from Montesillos in Boca Vieja over to El Cocal last week we noticed a lot dead fish floating around and washed up on the banks. We were informed that we should not eat any fish for the next few days because the water had been contaminated by pesticides....
When our faithful Community Centre attendee Imer found out about this he rushed home to warn his family of the imminent danger!
He returned half an hour later with a poster explaining the dangers of eating contaminated fish and requested to be filmed.
Watch Imer's public awareness video below....
He certainly has a gift for public speaking and looking at his conviction and delivery I can see a career as a newsreader in his future...
Imer is such a charming and intelligent child always involved and curious. His imagination and sense of humour has brought the volunteers so much joy over the months.
Quepos Community Program

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