Jag Cams!
I arrived in Costa Rica to join the GVI staff team in Jalova, Tortuguero. I had heard about most of the biological research that was going on and I was eager to get hands on across all the projects. When I first heard about the jaguars and the fact I was going to be leading the jaguar projects I didn’t really know what to think. Fair enough, I will be leading a project about one of the most elusive felines in the world, I will never see one and my data will be very scarce! On my fifth day in Jalova I had my first jag encounter, coming back from a nest check I found myself staring at these powerful but elegant creatures with admiration and a hint of fear. Three months later and the results are coming in, rewarding us for the hard work. Following the 5 individuals identified by my predecessors we identified 2 new jaguars active around the base, they have been seen hunting together on the beach and we have caught them on camera coming back to feed on a kill about 1 mile from base. We also recaptured one of our older jaguars, Luca, one of our less shy clients, he seems to enjoy the camera! All the volunteers have been fantastic and I hope in many more successful phases studying and learning more about these silent and cunning predators!

Amazing photo of the jaguar.
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