Intern news from Drake bay
So after 3 months of training in Jalova and 9 days of solid Spanish lessons, Ruth and I found that our 3am departure from Gaudys came about all too quickly. But after a heartfelt farewell from our trusty intern companions, it was time to set off, Just Ruth, me, a vague idea of where we were going and some sturdy spanglish to help get us there! Despite warnings that we may not meet our contacts at certain points due to certain circumstances, our journey went as smoothly as possible. And before we knew it, our boat taxi was reversing and crashing it´s way through the waves onto the nearest beach to our new home. As it turned out our new hostess, Elena, had been sitting next to us for the entire boat journey! Which explained the several large crates and bags of food that she had the boat men load at Sierpe. After meeting Pablo, our new project manager, on the beach, we lugged our many bags through some of the hottest midday sun we had known in Costa Rica. It was only when Pablo mentioned that this was the hottest temperature he had known to hit the area, that Ruth and I felt a little better about the exhausted state we found ourselves in. We started our walks on the Sunday after we arrived, hiking some very tough hills to follow what were apparently well worn trails, I guess we will recognise them more clearly after 6 weeks of memorising them!
The forest in comparison to Tortuguero is far more open in the understory, and therefore makes it a lot easier to see ground mammals such as deer, agouti and peccaris. Scarlet macaws, white throated capuchins and chestnut mandibled toucans are very regular visitors to our little garden, and it isn`t far to travel along the beach before you start seeing even more parrots.
We have begun naming the more regular animals we see, such as oscar the osprey, billy the belted kingfisher, and collin the yellow headed caracara. We also have a red lored parrot which attacks us on a regular basis, because he thinks he is a dog ... we are currently training him to fear us and to not bit us!
As for the people, the village we are in is literally one large family, and everyone in the local towns and beyond is as friendly as can be! They love a good laugh at the new gringo attempting to play football, and as soon as my massive blisters heal, I will return for another attempt at becoming an accepted local!
For now it`s time to head to the beach, chill out on a hammock, and attempt to memorise all the trees before the volunteers arrive here in a months time!

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