Friday, January 24, 2014

Volunteer Voice - Life's Great Ironies

Written by Jess McGrath - GVI Manuel Antonio Community Intern

The GVI team have been busy this week with holiday activities in Boca Vieja, spending our days at the community centre managing holiday sport, English and craft activities. At night, the group are usually home doing their Spanish homework, cooking, cleaning, juggling, debating the correct way to cut tomatoes and practising Michael Jacksons moon walk. 

Today, having temporarily lost half our GVI crew to a stomach bug, Liz, Clint and myself set off for the El Cocal community with high hopes of getting some much needed work done. When we arrived to find the electricity was out for the day, our plans to clean out the storage shed were quickly replaced with the setting up of the school basketball hoop (ie - attached one pole to another with pieces of wire), a bit of painting and a walk along the dirt strip that is the main street of El Cocal in search of some kids to tell about our upcoming soccer tournament. Instead we found a couple of boys who were more interested in challenging us to a game of ultimate frisbee. As we spent the next hour playing on the beach, I couldn't help but notice the giant houses that line the hillside of  neighbouring Manuel Antonio, with their ‘million dollar’ view of the El Cocal beach. Just one of life's great ironies I suppose…