Sunday, July 21, 2013

Volunteer Voice - Helping to build community spirit

Written by James "Rasta" Hudson - GVI Manuel Antonio Community Volunteer

I am in Costa Rica volunteering in the community of El Cocal. Originally I came for the sports program but have become involved in all facets of the project, most specifically the current construction project.

What I find most amazing about being here and being involved is the way the community spirit is still alive and strong. Everyone from dock workers to people chilling on the street to small children are keen to pitch in on the effort to better their school, and it makes me feel our efforts truly are appreciated. Two boys in particular have constantly been in and around the project, Isaac and Ryan. Unfortunately the kids are a bit too young to be of help (they would be around 4 and 2 respectively), but seeing their enthusiasm in attempting can be a boost, especially at the end of a very long day.

Thankfully others in the community can provide some more practical assistance, in the form of manpower and equipment such as wheelbarrows and in one instance even a pick up truck! I look forward to seeing the building get under way soon.
