Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Volunteer Voice - Back For More

Written by Kristin Cleaveland - GVI Manuel Antonio Community Volunteer

After a year of trying to figure out what I want to do with my life, I ended up scheduling another trip back to Costa Rica. I’M BACK! Back in Costa Rica; Back in El Cocal; Back in the volunteer house. I’ve had mixed feelings about that last part, but it’s ended up feeling like I’m just back home. It’s gotten even better now that we’ve moved into our new house and there’s more space. I love that there is always someone around to talk to or hang out with, even if it’s just watching a movie.

It was a hard decision to come back as a volunteer, because I’m not sure anyone ever has before and I wasn’t sure if it’d be weird if I did. But going into the community the first Monday morning reminded me why I made this choice. It’s crazy how it’s been a year since I worked with the program but it feels like I never left. It is an amazing feeling knowing the children still remember me and the teachers still want me to help out. I’ve gotten to see most of the children I worked with last year and have met several more who have switched schools or recently moved into the community.

This week there was an Art Festival in the school. Some students told a story they had written for a competition and others recited a poem about living a life without violence. The school also asked the volunteers to prepare a presentation so all of us spent hours learning to “play the cups” in unison while singing a song (“When I’m gone” from Pitch Perfect). It was a lot of fun and went surprisingly well.

So far my experience has been great, in the community and with the other volunteers, and I’m sure it will continue to be another amazing trip. It’s great being a part of the Pura Vida lifestyle

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