Staff, Intern & Volunteer Voices- The most surprising thing about Jalova is...
-Written by multiple
volunteers and staff members
that time again, we have said goodbye to another group of lovely people, some
of whom who have been with us since the start of the year. This month we asked
them what the most surprising thing about Jalova is.
most surprising thing about Jalova is…
amount of eyelash-palm pitvipers I have seen’ -Elco, 2 month volunteer
An eyelash-palm pitviper, yellow morph
fact that it never stops surprising you’ -Rachel, field staff
temperature changes…’ -Lucas, 1 month
I actually like getting up at 4 am (when it means I’m going on a bird survey on
the canals!)’ -Elsa, 3 month volunteer
number of monkeys that we see’ -Sateesh, field staff
ability to isolate you from the rest of the world’ -Munib, 3 month volunteer
variety of cultures and backgrounds of every person on base’ -Rob, 6 month
Some of the surprising characters to have come through Jalova!
I got sand thrown at me by a Leatherback turtle!’ -Charlie, field staff
‘The amount of new things you can learn without realising’ -Heather, 6 month intern

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