Rival schools in Quepos!
Here in Quepos we work primarily in two communities - El Cocal and Boca Vieja. We have an active sports program in both schools and our volunteers were sensing a fierce competition between the two schools and so they decided to orchestrate a football match between the two of them! On Wednesday we had both of the schools face each other for two games - boys and girls (the girls with an appropriately pink football, of course!).
With wild cheers from under the palm trees bordering the pitch, the girls face off first for a shut out - 3-0 El Cocal. Next up were the boys who did not disappoint. At least three times we had to dodge a flying shoe from an overeager kick that had a little too much momentum behind it! This game was closer, with Boca Vieja winning 3-2. The best part of it all was that both schools exhibited enviable sportsmanship and were happy to pile on top of each other for the group picture at the end of the day. Well done teams!

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