Monday, July 23, 2012

New Phase, New Faces

A big welcome to our latest group of volunteers. They joined us 2 weeks ago from a variety of nations and we look forward to a successful phase 123. Since their arrival life has been as fast and furious as ever and here are just a few things that have happened in this short space of time:

-Poachers were apprehended by park rangers only a mile or so north of base and a live green turtle and 86 eggs were recovered in the process. Our continued presence on the beach acts as an extra pair of eyes for the authorities and we continually inform them of any illegal activity we observe.

-A jaguar was seen feeding on a green turtle, killed the previous night, only 300 metres from the entrance of base.

-A bird eating snake was found sleeping in one of the dorms reaffirming the fact that we really are at one with nature.

-Base renovations have been in full swing and new roofs have been built on some of our buildings, complete with skylights!!

-Green turtle nesting season really has begun and this morning, 280 new nests were recorded on our 3 mile stretch of beach… all from last night!



Anonymous said...

Don't know when it was filmed but some great nocturnal Tortuguero jaguar footage broadcast on the BBC in the UK last night:

GVI credited at the end.