Día de la Amistad
With the new EMs arriving just before St Valentine’s Day, our intern Cody hit on the perfect way to break the ice and help integrate the newbies – secret Valentines. Names drawn from a hat, everyone on base had a special someone to be extra nice to and an unknown admirer to be nice to them.
After some initial logistical difficulties, the ideas began to flow and secret messages and presents began popping up throughout the day – chocolates left on pillows, poetry attached to trees and even origami flowers made especially for Wing. Camp Duty were well in the spirit with heart-shaped tortillas at lunch time and DJ

Cody AKA Butterfly Kisses ensured the mood around camp with boy band power ballads throughout the day.
Even Country Director Rebeca Chaverri was in on the act, with a typical campesino gift to our very grateful, if slightly perplexed, Lindsey from Head Office. At the end of the day, everyone tried to guess who his or her admirer had been, to much hilarity around the dinner table. The effort to which people had gone was very impressive and hopefully helped to make our new recruits feel a little less daunted and a bit more welcome.

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