Bird survey in Caño Harold, Tortuguero National Park, Costa Rica
As we near the end of the wet season, though you wouldn’t notice it, now is the time for lovebirds. With a whopping 102 birds, including 15 species, seen on Caño Harold last week, this new flutter of activity is making bird survey a lot more exciting.
The activity came from all angles, ranging from male green-and-rufus kingfishers (Chloroceryle inda) chasing each other, male and female bare-throated tiger-herons (Tigrisoma mexicanum) calling to each other, to green kingfishers (Chroloceryle americana) fishing together and many species with juveniles.
Our luck held together and we were fortunate enough to see the first juvenile purple gallinule (Porphyrio martinica formerly Porphyrula martinica) whilst on bird survey. This species is relatively hard to see and this sighting was only our third purple gallinule recorded during surveys.
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